RoadRally Standings

PA: Lenapehoking Challenge Weekend Updates

The trophies for the Challenge Weekend…

The SCCA Philadelphia Region promised seven rallies, three just for adventurers curious about or new to road rallies and others for current and aspirant Divisional and National competitors, over the October 11-14th Weekend. Many, many covered bridges and beautiful horse farms abound.

We have standings coming in, and the Rallymasters are pretty busy, especially during the seven rallies on the Weekend. We will update the printouts reflecting the ‘ol West Virginia National in 2012 as the week settles. Until then, enjoy the standings and follow your fellow rallyists on their adventures!

Fri, Oct 11th, Afternoon • Brandywine Creek Navigational Scatter Divisional GTA Rally

Sat, Oct 12th • “0” (As in Zero – the Checkpoint Score You Want!) National Tour Rally and the “0÷2” Regional Tour Rally

Sun, Oct 13th • Little Appalachian 51 National Course Rally

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Upcoming Road Rally Events

Calendar of Events

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