Building a Road Rally Program, RoadRally Standings

OR: CSCC May Saturday Series Rally Wrap

About the Cascade Sports Car Club May 13th Saturday Series Rally
The rally was about 100 miles from the start in northwest Portland to the ending location in Midway south of Hillsboro, and it took about three hours to complete. The odo check ended at the Tualatin River Wildlife Refuge in Sherwood. The route traveled through Chehalem, Scholls, and Laurel, and then up to Bald Peak Scenic Viewpoint for a break. The rally then continued through Gaston, to circumnavigate Henry Hagg Lake. The course then turned east through Blooming, and ended in south of Hillsboro at Midway Firehouse Pizza.

What the Rallymasters said
At the start of this season, we (Monte and Victoria Saager) knew we would be writing five of the ten rallies on this year’s schedule. We were confident we had four veteran rallymaster teams and one first-time rallymaster. However, when we completed the March rally, it became apparent we did not have a Rallymaster for May. No worries. We can do that.

Our March rally had a few challenges, one in particular that resulted in a max leg score if you got it wrong, and all but two teams got it wrong. We were not popular that day. So we decided, given the short development time and our already overburdened schedule, that this rally would be easy, with straightforward, unambiguous instructions.

This strategy was successful! No one wanted to kill the Rallymasters. Overall most teams did very well, staying on course and staying on time, with many single-digit leg scores and very low total scores.
What Rallyists said

• Had a blast and finally got a score under 100!!!
• Feeling so great. First time under 100 points. First time “in the candy” in a long, long time!!! First time EVER scoring less than Simon. So … yeah … a very good day.

• From David and JoAnn Gattman (with selfie): This is what Dumbasses look like. Currently on our way to Dealers Supply [the correct start location]. We’ve been to Lowe’s [the incorrect start location]. I’d say we’re bringing our “A Game,” but clearly not so far. Enjoy the chuckle. Yikes! Can we already be failures? [Despite their mad rush to the start, Dave and JoAnn went on to finish Fourth Overall and Second SOP, with four perfect zero legs and a score of two at the first checkpoint, which they barely reached in time.]

• From Dave and Kathy Sacry: We have a story from this rally, yet first, some history: After the first Richta-scored rally, I used my iPad (5th gen 2017 model Cellular enabled). It gets better reception than I had from my iPhone on our first rally, which skipped a checkpoint.
Scene: At the mid-break, Bald Peak, we both went to the outhouse and when I got back, I checked the time on the iPad for when we needed to leave. The car was parked in the sun with the iPad facing up to the sky.
Moments of distress: After a few minutes I go to check the time again. my iPad was dark and had quit working! It had a red “Warning, iPad is too hot to operate.” We both jumped into the car and turned all our cooling apparatus on high, seats, vents, everything. We still had 9 minutes left in our break time. Could we cool it off or forfeit the rest of the rally? I took it off the charger (sometimes that creates heat as the battery charges). Putting it in front of the AC fans was the best we could do. It didn’t help. We were still sitting in the sun.
I finally figured out how to take the leather case off (I had put it on years ago and never took it off). That worked, and my iPad came back to life without skipping a beat, and we left on time!

I got this photo at the end of the Crimson Clover. I loved those fields. Simply beautiful!
• Andrew Brewer shared this pic of the entrance to Bald Peak Scenic Viewpoint:

Congratulations to the top finishers!
First Overall and First in the Equipped Class is the team of Bob Morseburg and Cheri Eddy in Car #30 with a score of 25 over 17 scored legs, including seven zero leg scores and five ones. Very impressive.

Second Overall and First in the SOP Class is the team of Cody and Sabrina Garvin in Car #6 with a score of 40, including four zero leg scores and four ones, and all single-digit leg scores. Wow! That is quite an achievement for SOP. Expect great things from this team. They are writing their first-ever rally for the June 10 Saturday Series. Don’t miss it!

Third Overall and Second in the Equipped Class is the team of Robert Paxman and Chris Lane, with a score of 68. This is another team to watch. They had one zero and six ones, and all but two leg scores were single-digit. This is the first season Chris has run with his dad, and they are already honing in on excellent scores.

Finishing Second in the SOP Class is the team of David and JoAnn Gattman in Car #1 with a score of 81. Third SOP is the team of Torm Kelsey-Green and Kasey Klaus in Car #13 with a score of 82. The team of Ryan Rink and Simon Levear in car #16 get Honorable Mention with a score of 84.
In First Place in the Novice Class is the team of Alex Castaneda and Eric Hanson in Car #15 with a score of 96. Finishing Second Place Novice is the team of Chris Williams and Kenny Schroeder in Car #2. The team of Matthew Svec and Antony McGovern finished Third Novice.

Here are the 2023 CSCC Saturday Road Rally Series Points Standings

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