RoadRally Standings, There's an APP for That!

OH: Vertigo Road Rally

Rallymaster Ron Johnstonbaugh of the NE Ohio Region took rallyists on a ±160 mile route through the hills of Carroll, Columbiana, and Jefferson counties. The Vertigo Rally was a straightforward, gimmick-free TSD road rally.

As part of the SCCA Great Lakes Division Rally Championship and the SCCA National Tour Championship, you can view the results and leg scores below and the route map.

The SCCA NE Ohio Region continues to impress us with its use of Google Maps to show the route of their events, checkpoint locations, and more. Click here above to go to the site, and we encourage you to click around in the legend on the left side of the page! Greg Lester, how about an article on how you make this magic happen? Or perhaps a Zoom Class for RReNews readers?

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