RoadRally Standings

NY: The Long Way Home Road Rally

The 23rd version (holy crap, I am approaching a quarter-century doing this thing) of the Long Way Home Road Rally took place on January 8th. Eighteen teams competed, which is a good turnout considering the times and the pandemic. It is good that our recent systems adjustments have made rally teams comfortable to come out and play with us.

We had some good snow before the event, but rally night was clear and cold, with no falling snow to add to the driving challenge. With limited ability to gather after the rally, the sharing of “rally lies” was also limited. I am sure there were plenty, as there always are.

Gary Thomas/Frank Beyer were 1st in Equipped and 1st Overall, with 32.5 factored points. Karl Haltiner/Greg Beck were 1st in Limited and 3rd Overall with 45 points. Bruce Coulomb/James Coulomb were 1st in Stock and 8th Overall with 129.9 points. Novice was bested by (12th overall) Mike Letta/Kara Mayer with 522 points. Find full results below:

As with all of these events, there is no way that rallies could be run without lots of dedicated workers. I want to thank Jamie Hayslip for doing Check-In, Tony Zanni and Eric Hobron for doing Tech, and Rick Barnes and Jason Kostyshak for running sweep. Checkpoint workers were Rick Barnes, Jason Kostyshak, Eric Hobron, Larry Wells, Shaun Hallam, John Walsh, Wells Turner, Jerry Kerwin, Barb Lissow, Dave Avery, Sally Bosert, Amy Smith, and Andy Smith. Gretchen Kriesen again did an incredible job managing scoring remotely; it was another spectacular effort to get the scoring done remotely while we played on the snowy, icy roads in the woods. The final thank you must go to my lovely wife Amy; she is the one that makes it possible to put these events on.

Until the next event,

 Alan Smith, Rallymaster, The Long Way Home

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