RoadRally Standings, USRRC

News from the SCCA NEC – April 2021

The National Events Committee now has an official mailbox: Should you need to contact us for any reason, please use this email to reach us.

As you’ll also read elsewhere in this issue of RReNews, April is the start of the Rules Season. That means we, the NEC, solicit your suggestions for any additions or changes to the RoadRally Rules for 2022. Right now, it looks like there will be some minor corrections but no significant changes. Yahoo!! Last year’s changes were a lot of work. We don’t mind; that’s why we’re here.

The 2021 National Championship Season is looking good. With the rollout of vaccines, we at the NEC are hoping that people will be ready to venture out. As organizing committees wait for Covid to settle down, it looks like many events may be jammed into the last part of the season. Of particular note, we’re happy to see that Detroit Region will again be hosting both a National Tour Rally and a National Course Rally the weekend of Aug 7-8. And we’d like to thank the Texas Region for hosting a National GTA Rally, a National Course Rally, and a National Tour Rally on the weekend of Oct 23-24. There will still be those inevitable date conflicts, and we’ll do our best to resolve them, but they are still going to happen.

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And now my shameless plug for the 2021 United States Road Rally Challenge (USRRC), hosted by the SCCA Land o’ Lakes Region! Registration is live on, so head over and check out the details of the July 30 – August 1st weekend of rallying. Clarence Westberg will be the Rallymaster for the Sparta Trails National Tour on Saturday, and I will be the Rallymaster for the Sturculinus Creek National Course on Friday and the Badger Bash National Tour on Sunday. Three National Rallies in three days. Wow! And right here in Wisconsin!!

That’s AZICIT. I hope to see many of you during the upcoming season.

Mike Thompson, NEC Co-Chair

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