RoadRally Standings

OH: SCCA Johnny Appleseed Rally

SCCA’s Northeast Ohio Region has closed the book on another Johnny Appleseed Rally by Rallymaster Greg Lester. With over 71 checkpoints (53 of which were scored timing controls), using GPS crews, ten teams took on the challenge through the backroads of Ohio. Scores ranged from 29.0 for David/Daniel Harkcom in Equipped Class to 1194.1 for Corianna/Jamie Burger, coming in 4th in Novice Class. It was especially heartening to see Novice/Stock Class winners Aaron Neumann and his 11-year old daughter Jessica Neumann having a great time.

Thank yous to Jeff Arendas and Dave Killian came in from Lester for their Course PreCheck, writing, “perhaps the least glamorous, but most important pre-rally task.”

We took note of the unique checkpoint location names used: Halo, Empire, Thunder, Desert, Dewdrop, Stringtown Skull Fork, and Robinhood. Members of the RReNews have run this rally, and the roads that year were outstanding and the route instructions clean. We expect Greg did an equally fine job this year. These standings just came in; you’ll see he has a 23:42 timestamp on the score sheet.

Rallymaster Lester has been using GoogleMaps to show locations along the route “for a long time,” both for the TSD rallies that he organizes, and for worker support at Southern Ohio Forest Rally, an ARA National stage rally).

Yes! They are most colorful, yet click the image to view a link that will show the route of the various Johnny Appleseed Rally legs and what the symbols mean.

Checkout the standings here:

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