Building a Road Rally Program, History, Road Rally News

Johannes Sends a Thank You, Congrats to Champions, a Goodbye, and a Message for the Future of Road Rally in His Region and all Programs

Thanks for coming out and supporting the SCCA Milwaukee Region rally program. We enjoyed putting this together and truly appreciated your support.
This year, we organized 8 events, including 4 Nationals, 2 Divisionals, 1 Regional and 1 charity event benefitting the Dane County Humane Society. Attendance was good, averaging just under 30 cars per event, and the events were well received.

Back in the spring, we said that by putting on many Nationals and Divisionals, we would allow our contestants to earn points in the 2022 SCCA National RoadRally championships. This worked well, with several Region members finishing in the top ten in both the Tour and the Course (trap rally) Championships, and I have listed the award winners at the end of this message. Please join me in offering hearty congratulations for a job well done.
We plan on organizing the same events in 2023. Watch for a mailing with the calendar, but expect to see Badger Burrow, the various Road Scholar/Scamper, OKTOBERALLY, and the Kettle Moraine Colors again next year. We hope to see you out there.
Now for an announcement. After 47 years of organizing road rallyes and 12 years running the Milwaukee Region rally program, I retire from organizing events. Age and health are finally catching up with me. Mike Thompson will be taking on the role of the Milwaukee Region Rally Chair. Mike has been at this even longer than I have, and I hope you will support him as we move ahead.
As I leave, I need to add a bit of a plea to you. We are all getting old, and we need people to step up and help organize if this program will move forward. We need new Rallymasters, check runners (RoadRally Safety Stewards and Pre-Checkers), and folks who are good at all the thankless administrative work the contestants never see. Rallymastering is a lot of fun. Contestants get to see the finished course exactly once. The rallymaster gets to go out and discover all those great roads, set the speeds, choose the checkpoint locations, and generally get a feeling of accomplishing something that can be considered art. Switching over to automated Controls and scoring has removed many of the tough parts, and it is about finding the roads these days. Our Committee has this tuned like a fine watch, and we are all willing to help and mentor any folks who would like to take a shot at this. Frankly, the future of this program is in your hands.
Since I am retiring, I will be selling a lot of rally equipment! This includes a Timewise 798 rally computer with all the good options, a wheel-sending unit that works with a wide selection of cars, driving lights, reader boards, and even a low-mileage 2018 VW GTI. This is a great opportunity to move up to a competitive turnkey setup for a computer team.  Please get in touch with me if you are interested in any or all of this.
In closing, I thank everyone for coming out and playing with me over the years.  It’s been a blast.
Jay Johannes, 970-290-9797

Milwaukee Region Members in the 2022 RoadRally National Championships
SCCA National RoadRally Tour Series
Class E
2nd Mike Thompson
2nd Fred Rosevear
9th James Crittenden
Class S
6th David Swanson
9th Tanja Birke
9th Evan Blattner
SCCA National RoadRally Course Series
Class E
4th Mike Thompson
4th Fred Rosevear
5th James Crittenden
Class S
2nd Bryan Anders
3rd Tanja Birke
3rd Evan Blattner
6th Bryan Tippens
7th August Erbes

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Upcoming Road Rally Events

Calendar of Events

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