RoadRally Standings

Italian Cars, Italian Food, & Monte Carlo

A big thanks to all the teams that braved iffy weather (that did get better and better) to run Sunday’s Italian Cars, Italian Food, & Monte Carlo rally. The results are below, a nice write-up on how each leg worked and what the traps and gotcha’s were.

Before that, a HUGE thank you to the workers who braved the elements to catch you a bit late at each checkpoint and route control! Bill Eastman and Lisa (CP#1/RC#1 and CP#5), Rick “Mojo” Martin and his dog, CP#2 and RC#2, Bob Ellis (CP#2 and Monte Carlo CP#4), and of course Puff and Bob Stevens manning Monte Carlo CP #3. Yulia Smolyansky helped WRITE and then measure the entire rally, sorry that between the two of us we gave you a challenge on the ODOMETER CHECK Leg…

The results did change a bit from the preliminary results yesterday (I had an excel math error omitting CP 4 scores…) (thanks Claudia!) If anyone has ANY pictures from the rally, please POST with a few words on the AROO FaceBook page, we should have 20 cars, not 13, sign up for the April 10th rally (brought to you by the same guy writing the NW Classic Rally – Roger Dilts!).

See you all on April 10th, please bring a friend or introduce some other car people to these lovely rallies.   – Paul and Yulia

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