Building a Road Rally Program, RoadRally Standings

IN: Putnam Purple Cow Precision RoadRally ReCap

The Putnam Purple Cow Precision RoadRally was designed to encourage those on the trackside of Indy Region-sanctioned events to get behind the wheel for a RoadRally. The Putnam Park Roadcourse, Greencastle, IN, was home for the Indianapolis Region’s SCCA Time Trial/Track event on July 1-2, 2023. The rally was open to run anytime over the July 1-2nd weekend.

It was a simple tour rally designed to be run seat of the pants; in other words, no prior experience with rally was needed. The rally used Richta GPS checkpoints, had 46 timed controls, covered 30 miles, and took about an hour to run.  It started at Putnam Park, went to Cloverdale, and returned by a different route. A pizza dinner was provided for all participants of the track event and road rally on Saturday evening. The rally was designed so participants could run the first part of the rally, stop for dinner, and then run the last part later.

Three cars ran the PPCPR. Austin Hampton, who competed in class T5 on the track that weekend, brought Caleb Kennedy with him to the track, and then they teamed up to run the rally together. Theo Hardesty and Z Hardesty were working at the track event and decided to try the RoadRally. Rallyists David Greenburg and Alice Greenburg have run GTA events in the past and came specifically to run the TSD RoadRally. Other rallyists came to the track event and considered running but decided to do something other than run the rally in addition to their other duties.  The weather was dicey all weekend, so Saturday evening was the best time to run the rally. This was when the participants ran the rally, and they all joined us for pizza in Cloverdale.  Following are the final scores.

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