Building a Road Rally Program, RoadRally Standings

IN: Knox County Knock About Rally by SCCA SIR

From Rallymaster Ernest “ERnie” Roales —
The Knox County Knock About Rally
was held on April 16, in cool, mostly cloudy weather, perfect for a drive in the country. There was a decent field with 4 in the A Class (Prepared) and 3 in B Class (Basics).

A new twist was that the route instructions showed standard and metric mileages and CASTS. Due to an omission of a warning to ignore a Road Closed sign, several competitors were off course and tripped the final checkpoint very early. After all were back on course and time allowance taken, it was decided to drop that checkpoint.

The route was basically two large loops. It featured somewhat brisk casts over well-paved roads. This resulted in good times, with several zeros and single-digit scores. The twisty sections proved to challenge staying on CAST but were much enjoyed by all. Plans are in the works for next year, possibly reversing the course with additional side loops.

Rallymasters Sue and Ernie Roales had these comments from teams

Thanks to Sue and Ernie for a fun event that was only one hour from our home. We got to see some new, fun roads and I believe, found our Prius’s limits on both acceleration and deceleration. At least in ECO mode. I forgot to shut that off before the rally.

We learned another valuable feature of the Competitor – Richta GPS Checkpoints system when my phone squealed and it was a broadcast message that allowed us to recover and get back on course. 
Thanks again, Harold Davis

This was a nice rally! I wish I had had the Mustang available for the nicely paved, twisty stretch on Highway 241. (There’s a reason I don’t autocross the extended cab 4 x 4 Tundra).

The route instructions were basic and clear. The odo check was meticulously done and the GPS-assisted distance measure matched mine to two decimal places. Nice! There was one “oopsy,” but a quick and fair adjustment was made by the rally master. We had verified results before finishing our after event meal and gathering. Having put on many rallies myself, I understand that there are many details to stay on top of. It’s easy to miss a minor one of these and we all have done it. 

The electronic / GPS checkpoints system makes scoring easier. It also offers a participant’s route tracking capability for the rally master. Ernie and Sue were right on top of our movement and redirected Steve and I back on course.

We finished two seconds out of a trophy spot. Once again, before the rally, I talked about pulling over and using the Time Allowance feature to compensate for Miss Daisy’s (exceptionally slow) driver. However, as usual I forgot this when I needed it and followed Miss Daisy, hoping she would turn off soon. 55 seconds late on that rally leg!

It was great afternoon. Thank you, Sue and Ernie for a very good rally. Thank you, Steve, for being a sharp and patient navigator!
Dave Lehrschall

Thanks Sue and Ernie!

Today was an excellent day to be knocking about Knox County, visiting Verne (not to be confused with “Know what I mean Vern?”), Iona and other little crossroad towns. We also explored several of the roads crossing the path many of us use going to and from the MAAC. Today’s route was nicely paved roads with ups, downs, and numerous 90-degree turns that could not be done at the given CAST…or even at a CAST 28. The route was easy to follow except where it wasn’t…which kept everyone engaged. Diamond windows vs barn quilts?? 

The scores are tight. First to fourth in Class A is only 65 points. The Paul Dornburg & Bob Sonntag (my team) upheld Class A honors and posted the lowest score overall. Yeah Baby, Yeah! Jim and Darlene Cannon dropped the margin from the 11 points Jr and Josie Crowe spotted Harold & Karen Davis on Find Another Opportunity to 7 and took best of B honors.

Our next T/S/D rally is “Another May Day” on May 21 by Harold and Karen Davis.

Bob Sonntag

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