RoadRally Standings

Greetings from the Home Office in Palmer, Alaska —

Many of you have visited With our upcoming changes, we hope many more of you will be contributors and readers of it from now on. You will find the RReNews Calendar of events, which is viewable as a map, list, or traditional calendar; click an event for more information. More importantly, we hope you will choose to send in your local information early and often!

Since 2013, RReNews has been a volunteer project for me. Reviewing past issues recently, we marveled at all we covered in eight years. Columns by Bruce Gezon as Smuncher’s Attic and Gary Starr as Armchair Map Rallies, Rallymasters promoting their road rally events, and our column entitled There’s an App for That!. We’ve covered SCCA News, How-To’s from Organizers and Rallyists, National News, Minutes and Championship Standings, and occasionally International news to round out the editions.

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We are shifting production gears and utilizing our webpage, with two emails a month to the readership. Yes, we know a few of you have enjoyed the current format, expressing that you do not mind reading each edition scrolling page, after page, after page! And that, dear ones, is why the change. We know that even with the best of intentions, most of you have not read each edition in its entirety. From now on, we will be able to post the news as “current” news and then pull a mention into the RReNews emails twice a month. You can scan and read further for those items that interest you!

We are encouraged by those marque clubs, SCCA Regions, and Rallymasters posting our subscription link for rallyists to sign up. As always, we have a simple “unsubscribe” at the bottom of each email should interests change and you find RReNews no longer interests you. We hope you and our fellow rallyists will continue to be willing contributors to our pages and help us spread the good word about the sport of road rally!

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Upcoming Road Rally Events

Calendar of Events

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