
Have a “Clue” About Rally?

Help a child have a happier time in the hospital, while having a fun drive in the country, all the while playing a game based on Parker Brother’s famous “Clue”.  How can you resist?  Course following will be easy, but solving the mystery of “who done it” will be tough.

Yes! This was calendared for December 7th, yet due to the ice storm, yet shifted to February 22nd!

Here are the details — Come Join Us!

  • Rally Day:  Saturday, February 22nd
  • Starting Place:  Subaru of Plano, 4480 W Plano Pkwy, Plano, TX 75093
  • Finish location: Spring Creek Barbeque, 1993 North Central Expressway, McKinney
  • Registration/Check-In:  8:30 – 9:30 am on Rally Day
  • Safety Briefing:  9:30 am
  • Starting Time, First Car: 9:45 am plus your car number
  • Finish Time, First Car:  1:00 pm, estimated
  • Route:  It’s a secret, of course, but expect to drive on scenic back roads
  • Vehicles:  Sports Cars, family sedans, anything with 4 wheels that’s street legal
  • Rally Fee: $25.00  /  SCCA Members: $20.00  /  $5 late fee if not preregistered here.
  • In addition, each person in the car should bring a new children’s book as a donation.  These will all be delivered to Scottish Rite Hospital after the rally.
  • Awards:  First Timers, Novices and General Class
  • Master Class for those who don’t want any more trophies.

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Pre-registration is at and you’ll want to do this to get the Rules in advance! If you registered in December, you do not need to register again. If some detail of your registration has changed, you can go into and edit your team’s information.

This is Rally #1 in a projected series of six.

This rally is sanctioned as a Regional Rally by SCCA, and is a part of the National SCCA RoadRally Championship. Sanction Number 2013-RG-41-06.

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