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IN: The Hunt for Orange October RoadRally

• Penn Station Subs – Evansville, IN 4827 Davis-Lant Drive, Evansville, IN, United States

The 6th points rally of the SCCA Southern Indiana Region’s 2021 Rally Championship I The Hunt for Orange October RoadRally. Held on October 24th, it should give all a chance to see the beautiful Vanderburgh County trees as the leaves turn. This should be a good one! Rallymasters Suellyn and[Read More...]

IN: Seek Another Opportunity Road Rally

• Hardee’s, Covert Avenue, Evansville, IN 4400 Covert Ave, Evansville, IN, United States

The seventh rally in the SCCA Southern Indiana Region series, Seek Another Opportunity Road Rally, will begin at the Hardees in Evansville, IN. Teams will use the Richta GPS Competitor app and must download it to their smartphone or tablet before arriving at the rally We'll open onsite registration at 12P,[Read More...]