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NJ: Second Hand Roads RoadRally

• Route 46 Subaru, Hackettstown, NJ 364 Route 46 West, Hackettstown, NJ, United States

Our Second Hand Roads RoadRally is becoming an annual event. The SCCA Northern New Jersey Region, in association with the Motorsport Club of New Jersey and Raritan Valley. Sports Car Club, welcome you to join us in 2022! This is a rally, not a race. The Richta GPS Competitor App[Read More...]

NJ: SCCA Northern New Jersey 32nd Teddy Bear Rally

• Route 46 Subaru, Hackettstown, NJ 364 Route 46 West, Hackettstown, NJ, United States

For the past 32 years, SCCA Northern New Jersey Region has been hosting this annual event. Over $27,500 in toys have been donated to the United States Marine Corp Reserve toy drive since the 1st Teddy Bear Rally in 1990. SCCA-NNJR's Toys for Tots Roadrally is the longest continually run charity[Read More...]