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NJ: Second Hand Roads Divisional and Regional Tour Rally

• Subaru World of Hackettstown, NJ 364 Route 46 West, Hackettstown, NJ, United States

Second Hand Roads is a 75-mile straight-forward Tour Rally with easy-to-follow instructions. The event will start at Subaru World of Hackettstown and end in Long Valley, NJ. The rally is designed so that newcomers to the sport can easily complete the course, with all turn instructions supported by official mileage[Read More...]

BC: Hagerty Spring Thaw

• Merritt City Hall, Merritt, BC 2185 Voght Street, Merritt, BC, Canada

The Hagerty Spring Thaw is a budget-minded driving adventure through British Columbia for pre-1979 and earlier touring and sports cars, with exceptions for select newer cars per car (see the FAQ section for the Delorean Rule. This un-scored, non-competitive event takes place entirely within the province of British Columbia and consists[Read More...]

CA: Cal Club First Friday Niter Social Roadrally

• Bank of America - Mission Hills, SMSCC FFN Start 10300 Sepulveda Blvd, Mission Hills, CA, United States

It's May, so it's finally time to run the postponed February FFN! The rally will run primarily in and around the Rye Canyon industrial park in Santa Clarita (near Magic Mountain). Jeanne English is the Rallymaster, and she likes traps, so there will be some. They are all based upon WOF[Read More...]

NJ: Sand Mines Road Rally

• Ciocca Corvette Agency, Atlantic City, NJ 430 N. Albany Avenue, Atlantic City, NJ, United States

The South Jersey Region of the Sports Car Club of America cordially invites you to join our fellow car enthusiasts for our South Jersey Sand Mines Road Rally. The rally starts at Ciocca Corvette in Atlantic City, NJ, on May 4, 2024, with a check-in time of 9:00 AM. The rally[Read More...]

Event Series 2024 SCCA Natl Tour Championship

• WI: Milwaukee Badger Burrow 2024 Divisional Tour Rally

• Meyer Oak Grove Park, Sauk City, WI 780 Phillips Blvd, Sauk City, WI, United States

Milwaukee Region SCCA invites you to come run the annual Badger Burrow Tour Rally, on Sunday May 4. The event is a brisk run through Wisconsin's Driftless Area's beautiful hills and valleys, mostly in Sauk County. Expect lots of interesting roads with lots of hills and curves. Many say these[Read More...]

FL: May the 4th Be With You Road Rally

• Dunkin Donuts, Bartram Park, Jacksonville, FL 12709 Bartram Park Blvd, Jacksonville, FL, United States

We are excited to announce our latest road rally event for the greater Jacksonville area with a Star Wars theme! Each car will drive on paved public roads using a set of predefined route instructions through various checkpoints using the Competitor - Richta GPS Checkpoints app. Participants will be scored based[Read More...]

Event Series 2024 SCCA Natl Tour Championship

MI: Detroit Region Twilight Tour Divisional RoadRally

• Valiant Bar and Grill, Chelsea, MI 1120 South Main Street, Chelsea, MI, United States

The Detroit Region SCCA is back with its Twilight Tour Divisional RoadRally on Saturday, May 4th. The rally covers ±180 miles of mostly unpaved roads in Washtenaw, Jackson, Lenawee, and Monroe counties. Rallymaster Bruce Fisher will take you on this straightforward time-speed-distance (TSD) Tour Rally, which means no traps. All[Read More...]

OR: AROO Cup Series – Rally #3

The 2024 AROO Cup Series of Sunday road rallies, by the Alfa-Romeo Owners of Oregon, started with a Rally School on Sunday, March 9th. The AROO Cup Series will be comprised of these four events: Rally Cup #1: Sunday, March 10 Rally Cup #2: Sunday, April 7 Rally Cup #3:[Read More...]

MD: Get the Dust-Off Rallye XXXV

• DeJon Vineyard 5300 Hydes Rd, Hydes, MD, United States

The 35th Annual Get the Dust-Off Rallye will be held on Sunday, May 5th, 2024, sanctioned by the MG's of Baltimore, and is dedicated to the memory of Richard W Murphy. It will start and finish at Dejon Vineyards! This will be a GTA (Game, Tour, Adventure) style rallye of[Read More...]

WA: Raindrop Rally 2024 – Rally in the Valleys

• Big Rock Park, Duvall, WA 26410 NE 140th St, Duvall, WA, United States

Raindrop 2024—Rally in the Valleys will start at the “big rock” in Duval. It will be a leisurely paced Time-Speed-Distance (TSD) rally along some of the rivers and their valleys that make up the northeast corner of the Seattle area. Some great driving roads have views, twisty bits, and urban[Read More...]