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IN: SIR Road Rally School

The SCCA Southern Indiana Region Rally School will focus on running a rally. Key topics include definitions, main road rules, and best practices. The School will be held in the Large Group Room of Central Library in downtown Evansville. That's up the steps and go left. A graduation party trip to[Read More...]


MI: Detroit TSD Road Rally School

The Detroit Region presents their Annual Road Rally School on Saturday, March 24th, 2018! A road rally is traversed over public roads within the legal speed limit. The challenge is to drive on time, arriving at points along the route neither early nor late (it's NOT a race). A Driver[Read More...]

OR: CSCC Rally School

North Plains Senior Center 31450 NW Commercial St, North Plains, OR, United States

Gear up for the 2020 rally season with Cascade's Road Rally School and Rally. Learn to play the game that takes you places. The rally school class starts at 10 a.m. at the North Plains Senior Center. Plan to arrive a bit early to check-in and pick up your materials.[Read More...]

OR: CSCC Novice or Nervous Rally School

Virtual Classroom

Gear up for the 2021 rally season with Cascade's Novice or Nervous Rally School and Rally. Learn to play the game that takes you places. Review Cascade time-speed-distance road rally rules. Get familiar with the new GPS timing app that simplifies scoring and gives you nearly immediate feedback on your[Read More...]

US: RoadRally Beginners Guide to TSD Zoom Get-Together

• SCCA National Office 6620 SE Dwight Street, Topeka, Kansas, United States

Continuing the new series of Quarterly Zoom Get-Togethers, the SCCA RoadRally Board announces that the next session will take place on Thursday, July 15th, and will include these two topics: Wendy Harrison will present a Beginners Guide to TSD RoadRally. This session is aimed at first-timers and will cover the[Read More...]

TX: Back-to-Basics RoadRally School

• Zoominar Backroads of America Dallas, Texas, United States

The “classroom” instruction will be conducted via Zoom session.  Class begins at 1:00 pm and should run for about an hour and a half, including time for Q&A.  For those who can’t join the live session, we will post a YouTube video recording of the session and will share information on how to access it after the Rally School.

SCCA Quarterly Zoom Get-Together b

• Zoominar Across America 6620 SE Dwight St., Topeka, KS, United States

The SCCA RoadRally Board has set the date, so mark your calendars today! Their next Quarterly Zoom Get-Together is Thursday, December 15, 2022. Join fellow SCCA Rallyists, 7 pm to 9 pm Central, at the last online gathering before the SCCA Convention in 2023. Save the date! We'll share the[Read More...]

OR: CSCC Rally School and Road Rally

• Dealer's Supply 2345 NW Nicolai St., Portland, Oregon, United States

The Annual Cascade Sports Car Club Road Rally School and Rally. The Cascade Sports Car Club (CSCC) Road Rally School will be a Zoom Class on Friday evening, February 17th. The school will review the Generals for the February 18th Road Rally and allow teams to ask their rally questions;[Read More...]