Nor'wester is a Time-Speed-Distance (TSD) rally conducted since 1967, by the Rainier Auto Sports Club. Entrants receive instructions with specific, clear directions at speeds at or below legal limits, with specific times to start each section at one-minute intervals. Nor'wester is a "closed control" format where cars do not stop[Read More...]
The Kansas Rib Run Rally, sanctioned by the Kansas City Chapter of the Vintage Triumph Registry will run on Saturday, September 16th. Rallymasters (or should that be Grillmasters) Rich Bireta and Albert Weaver have laid out the route, which will be 100-miles in length and traverse the counties of Leavenworth,[Read More...]
The SCCA National Championship heads to Wisconsin this September for a two-day rally weekend. Stay tuned for details!
Details are forthcoming, yet we wanted to ensure you Save the Date in your summer schedules for the Black Hawk Trails Tour Road Rally presented by the SCCA Blackhawk Valley Region. Rallymaster Tim Marx shared that the rally will start and end in SE Rockford and will run along the[Read More...]
There was an old movie, "If It's Tuesday, This Must Be Belgium," back in 1969. For the SCCA Cal Club, Santa Monica Sports Car Club Chapter, theirs would be entitled, "If it's the first Friday of the Month, This Must be Rally Day"! The Rallymaster for the October FFN, a[Read More...]
"Our first TSD rally will be the Alabama Bulldog Bend Road Rally on Saturday, October 7, 2023!" Rallymaster Jim Farris continued, "We’re excited, I’ll send a logo/graphic once it is completed, plus some registration details." You're excited, and the RReNews Clan is delighted to see you continuing your SCCA Alabama[Read More...]
Raindrop 2023 Trees to Seas will start in Monroe and tour for 120 miles over 5-1/2 hours. Roads will be paved and suitable for any automobile. Raindrop is a leisurely paced Time-Speed-Distance (TSD) rally with fine driving roads, minimum traffic, and wonderful scenery. The rally is geared toward the novice[Read More...]
A most enjoyable event. Stay tuned for details, yet we wanted to get it on your fall calendars...
Save the date! The Moonlight Monte Divisional Tour Rally has been confirmed. It will be a part of SCCA National Championship, Great Lakes Divisional Championship, and the Detroit Region Championship.