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NY: SCCA Finger Lakes Region Fall Fling Rally

• Walmart, Geneseo, NY 4235 Veteran Dr, Geneseo, NY, United States

Please join us for our annual Fall Fling Road Rally, hosted by the Finger Lakes Region SCCA. This Time / Speed / Distance (TSD) rally will serve as a great introduction to the sport, as well as provide veteran rallyists a chance to dust off their skills in advance of[Read More...]

CA: SCCA Cal Club First Friday Niter Social RoadRally

• Bank of America - Mission Hills, SMSCC FFN Start 10300 Sepulveda Blvd, Mission Hills, CA, United States

The December First Friday Niter, sanctioned by SCCA Cal Club, Santa Monica Chapter, is being written by Rallymaster Joanna Weissen. As is her December tradition, the rally will highlight Christmas lights and decorations.  We are using the Richta GPS Competitor app for timing and scoring, with timing to the tenth of a second.[Read More...]

CA: San Diego “It’s a Pie Run!” Road Rally

• Freeport Road Park and Ride, San Diego, CA 9941 Carmel Mountain Road, San Diego, CA, United States

The SCCA San Diego Region is back with It's a Pie Run! Road Rally on Saturday, December 3rd. The first car departs around 9A and should be finishing before Noon. A beginner's video will be shared online the week before the event. The Driver's meeting will be held on the[Read More...]

MN: Land O’ Lakes Snow*Fall Winter Rallye

• River Inn Bar and Grill, Cloquet, MN 3212 River Gate Avenue, Cloquet, MN, United States

The Snow*Fall Road Rallye, sanctioned by the SCCA Land 'O Lakes Region, will have its start and end points at the River Inn in Cloquet, MN. Registration starts at 10:30 AM. Teams are responsible for ensuring the following are in order: Headlights (high and low beams) and parking lightsTaillights and[Read More...]

NY: Finger Lakes Region Route of Some EVO Road Rally

• Charlie Riedel's, Canandaigua, NY 3140 Country Road 10, Canandaigua, NY, United States

The Route of Some EVO Road Rally is a rally of approximately 125 “interesting” miles using paved and unpaved roads in the New York Southern Tier. In keeping with the Winter Rally Series format, sanctioned by the SCCA Finger Lakes Region, this is an evening TSD rally run at speeds within[Read More...]

NY: Ithaca Winter RoadRally

• Chili's Grill & Bar, Ithaca, NY 614 S Meadow Street, Ithaca, NY, United States

Sanctioned by the SCCA Finger Lakes Region, the Ithaca Winter RoadRally is approximately 185 rally miles, using mostly unpaved roads in the southern part of Central New York.  Classes will be Equipped, Limited, Stock, and Novice classes. Snow tires are recommended (all season tires may limit your speed group eligibility),[Read More...]

MN: Land ‘O Lakes Yucatan Winter Safari RoadRally

• Plaza Inn Hotel, Winona, MN 1025 Highway 61 East, Winona, MN, United States

The Yucatan Safari, sanctioned by the SCCA Land 'o Lakes Region, is a 200-mile TSD day/night road rally traversing the high-quality gravel roads through the hardwood forests of SE MN. The rally will start in Winona and wind through Winona, Fillmore, and Houston counties before returning to Winona. The simple[Read More...]

CA: SCCA Cal Club First Friday Niter Social RoadRally

• Bank of America - Mission Hills, SMSCC FFN Start 10300 Sepulveda Blvd, Mission Hills, CA, United States

It's February, which means Jeanne English will be the Rallymaster and celebrating her birthday! The rally will travel some of the Santa Clarita area canyon roads, with the emphasis on fun driving. There are NO TRAPS on this month's rally, so be prepared to stay on time! The rally finishes[Read More...]