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TX: Back-to-Basics RoadRally Series #2 – Signs and Landmarks

• Clark's Outpost Restaurant – Tioga, TX 103 N Ray Roberts Pkwy, Tioga, TX, United States

This “Back-to-Basics” series will consist of four events of progressive challenge levels staged over several months. These will be SCCA GTA (Games, Tours, Adventures) Social Rallies, about 45-60 miles and 2 ½ - 3 hours long. We will score them and present awards to the most successful. The objective is to conduct events in accordance with the SCCA RoadRally Rules, starting with simple rules and instructions. Then each succeeding rally will introduce more advanced topics.

NJ: Highlands Spring Car Trek

• High Marques Motors 169 Washington Street, Morristown, NJ, United States

Did you know that the mountains of the New Jersey Highlands used to be higher than the Himalayas? Have you ever wondered about the geological history of the beautiful state we are lucky enough to call home? The diverse natural beauty of the Highlands and the patterns of human settlement are[Read More...]

MA: Cape Cod Courageous Old Timers’ Rally

• International House of Pancakes (IHOP) - Hyannis, MA 790 Iyannough Rd, Hyannis, MA, United States

This “scavenger hunt” of Cape Cod is a low-pressure event. Teams will be supplied with a map and clues to locations all over the Cape. The object is to determine from the clues where these locations are on the map, plan the shortest route to those locations and, once at[Read More...]

IN: We’re Back!!!! The North Side of Indy Road Rally

• The Boreen's 1177 Windsor Estates Court, Westfield, IN, United States

The SCCA Indianapolis Region is baaaaccck! We're Back!!!! The North Side of Indy Rally, is sanctioned by the SCCA Indianpolis Region, is a Game Tour Adventure (GTA) style RoadRally. It is run on public roads and requires at least two participants in the vehicle (driver and navigator). Participants are given tasks[Read More...]

OH: Tiptoe Thru the Tulips Two Road Rally

• Shooters Sports Grill – Hamilton, OH 4981 Winners Circle Drive, Hamilton, OH, United States

Join the SCCA Cincinnati Region on Saturday, April 23rd, for the Tiptoe Thru the Tulips Road Rally, a part of the Cincinnati Regional Series. Jim Knepper is the Rallymaster for this GTA rally. It is not a precisely timed event, and no calculations are necessary. Questions that can be answered[Read More...]

MI: Metamora Road Rally Scavenger Hunt

• Metamora Lions Hall – Metamora, MI 3790 N. Oak Street, Metamora, MI, United States

The Metamora Lioness Lions will hold a Road Rally Scavenger Hunt on Saturday, April 30. Start and finish are the Metamora Lions Hall, 3790 N. Oak St. in Metamora. Arrive at 5:30 PM for a 6 PM start. The rally finish is at 10 p.m. The road rally allows participants[Read More...]

MD: Get the Dust Off Rallye XXXIII

• DeJon Vineyard 5300 Hydes Rd, Hydes, MD, United States

The 33rd Annual Get the Dust-Off Rallye will be held on Sunday, May 1st, 2022, and is co-hosted by the SCCA Washington DC Region and MG's of Baltimore! It will start and finish at Dejon Vineyards! This will be a straightforward Time-Speed-Distance Monte Carlo-style rally of approximately 60 competitive miles,[Read More...]

IL: How’d We Get Here? Road Rally Tour

• Flying J Travel Center, South Beloit, IL 16049 Willowbrook Road, South Beloit, IL, United States

Join the SCCA Chicago Region, which is celebrating Seven Decades of Motorsports in 2022, at their GTA Social Road Rally, on Saturday, May 7th. More details will follow, yet mark your calendars today!

TX: Back-to-Basics RoadRally Series #3 – Main Road Concepts

This “Back-to-Basics” series will consist of four events of progressive challenge levels staged over several months. These will be SCCA GTA (Games, Tours, Adventures) Social Rallies, about 45-60 miles and 2 ½ - 3 hours long. We will score them and present awards to the most successful. The objective is to conduct events in accordance with the SCCA RoadRally Rules, starting with simple rules and instructions. Then each succeeding rally will introduce more advanced topics.


• Kentlee Coffee Cafe, Greensburg, PA 4764 US-30, Greensburg, PA, United States

We asked, 'Why Norman?' Rallymaster Bruce Gezon replied to that question with, 'Why Norman you ask? You’ll have to run it to find out.' Norman, sanctioned by the SCCA Steel Cities Region, will be a Divisional GTA (Games Touring Adventure) event using the game of Monopoly, along with answering ten[Read More...]