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OH: Come What May RoadRally

• Shooters Sports Grill – Hamilton, OH 4981 Winners Circle Drive, Hamilton, OH, United States

The Come What May RoadRally is sanctioned by the SCCA Cincinnati Region. Please reach out to the Region for more information.

SCCA RoadRally Quarterly Zoom Get-Together Set for May 25th

• Zoominar Across America 6620 SE Dwight St., Topeka, KS, United States

Continuing the series of Quarterly Zoom Get-Togethers, which started in 2021, the SCCA RoadRally Board announces that the next session will occur on Thursday, May 25th, 7-9:00 PM CDT. They are currently confirming topics and presenters, yet they wished to "get the word out" so you can mark your calendars![Read More...]

CA: King Kong, Jr. vs. Godzilla, Jr.

Join The Rallye Club members on the King Kong Jr. vs. Godzilla Jr. Car Rallye on Saturday, June 3rd, for this Question/Answer-format rally. There will be a Rallye School at Noon, and teams leave at 1:00 PM for the three-hour course. No experience is necessary, and all vehicles are welcome![Read More...]

DC: Lost in Maryland Road Rally

• Dominion Raceway and Entertainment, Woodford, VA 6501 Dominion Raceway Avenue, Woodford, VA, United States

Please join the Washington DC Region, SCCA, for our Spring GTA Rally, Lost in Maryland, on Saturday, June 17th, 2023. Start your summer season enjoying a rally trek through the hills, valleys, and mountains of north central Maryland and southern Pennsylvania with your fellow SCCA members. We will start in the[Read More...]

TX: Moontower 2023 RoadRally

• A Parking Lot at 51st and Lamar, Austin, Texas 5007 N Lamar Boulevard, Austin, TX, United States

In 1884 and 1885, Austin, Texas, was terrorized by a series of murders, mainly of servant girls. Seven women, five black, and one man were killed. Six women and two men were injured. The eight killings are one of the earliest recorded serial murders, predating the infamous Jack the Ripper[Read More...]

WI: Summer Solstice Navigational Scatter RoadRally

• Ptacek’s IGA – Prescott, WI 1005 Eagle Ridge Drive, Prescott, WI, United States

SCCA Land O'Lakes hosts another "scatter rally" on Solstice Weekend. Please get in touch with the Rallymaster for more information on their Summer Solstice Navigational Scatter. Navigational Scatters were created to provide a rally challenge without the burden of staying on time.We track your progress using the MiRally transponders. Your[Read More...]

Fast and Purr-ious Road Rally

• Bond Auto Field, Barre, VT 444 Prospect St, Barre, Vermont, United States

Start your engines and bring your thinking caps because the first annual Fast and Purr-ious Road Rally is this July 22nd at Bond Field in Barre. Bring your friends, family, or coworkers and form a team to decipher clues, find Waypoints, and win a prize at this super fun, family-friendly[Read More...]

Event Series 2024 SCCA Natl GTA Championship

PA: SCCA Heck’s And Back Divisional RoadRally

• Saucony Creek Craft Brewery + Gastropub, Kutztown, PA 15032 Kutztown Rd, Kutztown, PA, United States

Heck's and Back Roadrally is sponsored by the Philadelphia Region SCCA with the cooperation of Blue Mountain Region. The Heck's and Back GTA RoadRally is a question-and-answer Divisional Rally that will traverse some scenic back roads in Berks County, many of which will feature hex signs common in the area. Rallymasters Bruce[Read More...]

NH: SCCA New England Region Rally Against Leukemia 2023

• New Hampshire Motor Speedway, Loudon, NH 1122 NH-106, Loudon, NH, United States

The SCCA New England Region Rally Against Leukemia 2023, a Regional GTA, takes place on July 29th. Presented by, this annual event is one not to miss!

PA: New Hope Auto Show Every Car RoadRally

• New Hope-Solebury School District, New Hope, PA 182 W Bridge Street, New Hope, PA, United States

Once again, the New Hope Automobile Show will be teaming up with the Philadelphia Region of The Sports Car Club of America to bring you the 2023 New Hope Automobile Show's Road Rally. The SCCA is the premier motorsports organization in the United States, with more than 65,000 annual members.[Read More...]