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IL: The “Bob Phillips” Memorial CHEESE Road Rally

• Blain’s Farm Fleet, Rockton, IL 4567 E Rockton Road, Rockton, IL, United States

The SCCA Blackhawk Valley Region presents The Bob Phillips Memorial CHEESE Road Rally on Saturday, May 6, 2023. Join your fellow car enthusiasts for this 4-hour, 80-mile poker-hand Road Rally! Be a part of BVR restarting its Road Rally program with the CHEESE Road Rally. Bob Phillips was a long-time[Read More...]

NY: Do It Again RoadRally

• Tom Wahl's - Avon, NY 283 East Main Street, Avon, NY, United States

The SCCA Finger Lakes Region invites you to join them for a little Spring Rally fun, with its Do It Again RoadRally. It is a Social Rally and not apart of any series or serious points race. Here are the details: Classes:    Experienced (if any team member has done more than[Read More...]

WI: Escape To Wisconsin Navigational Scatter

• Ptacek’s IGA – Prescott, WI 1005 Eagle Ridge Drive, Prescott, WI, United States

The SCCA Land of Lakes Region's first Navigational Scatter (NavScat). For SCCA purposes, it is sanctioned as a GTA (Games Touring Adventure). After this scatter rally, we will be caravaning to Wisconsin Dells on our way to our final destination, the Badger Burrow Divisional Tour, in Fitchburg, WI, on Sunday. If you[Read More...]

• Rachel’s Road Rally for Kindness

• Lebanon Reform Church 100 Brunswick Avenue, Lebanon, NJ, United States

Join us for the Rachel's Road Rally for Kindnessi on Saturday, June 6th, for a scavenger hunt rally. Rachel’s Kindness Matters Movement is a 501(c)(3) non-profit foundation that delivers innovative programs to support the well-being of kids and teens. Grounded in the principles of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and providing[Read More...]

MD: Get the Dust-Off Rallye XXXIV

• DeJon Vineyard 5300 Hydes Rd, Hydes, MD, United States

The 34th Annual Get the Dust-Off Rallye will be held on Sunday, May 7th, 2023, sanctioned by the MG's of Baltimore, and is dedicated to the memory of Richard W Murphy. It will start and finish at Dejon Vineyards! This will be a GTA (Game, Tour, Adventure) style rallye of[Read More...]

OH: Come What May RoadRally

• Shooters Sports Grill – Hamilton, OH 4981 Winners Circle Drive, Hamilton, OH, United States

The Come What May RoadRally is sanctioned by the SCCA Cincinnati Region. Please reach out to the Region for more information.

SCCA RoadRally Quarterly Zoom Get-Together Set for May 25th

• Zoominar Across America 6620 SE Dwight St., Topeka, KS, United States

Continuing the series of Quarterly Zoom Get-Togethers, which started in 2021, the SCCA RoadRally Board announces that the next session will occur on Thursday, May 25th, 7-9:00 PM CDT. They are currently confirming topics and presenters, yet they wished to "get the word out" so you can mark your calendars![Read More...]

CA: King Kong, Jr. vs. Godzilla, Jr.

Join The Rallye Club members on the King Kong Jr. vs. Godzilla Jr. Car Rallye on Saturday, June 3rd, for this Question/Answer-format rally. There will be a Rallye School at Noon, and teams leave at 1:00 PM for the three-hour course. No experience is necessary, and all vehicles are welcome![Read More...]

DC: Lost in Maryland Road Rally

• Dominion Raceway and Entertainment, Woodford, VA 6501 Dominion Raceway Avenue, Woodford, VA, United States

Please join the Washington DC Region, SCCA, for our Spring GTA Rally, Lost in Maryland, on Saturday, June 17th, 2023. Start your summer season enjoying a rally trek through the hills, valleys, and mountains of north central Maryland and southern Pennsylvania with your fellow SCCA members. We will start in the[Read More...]

TX: Moontower 2023 RoadRally

• A Parking Lot at 51st and Lamar, Austin, Texas 5007 N Lamar Boulevard, Austin, TX, United States

In 1884 and 1885, Austin, Texas, was terrorized by a series of murders, mainly of servant girls. Seven women, five black, and one man were killed. Six women and two men were injured. The eight killings are one of the earliest recorded serial murders, predating the infamous Jack the Ripper[Read More...]