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Event Series 2024 SCCA Natl GTA Championship

MN: Grumpy Old Men GTA Navigational Scatter

• Plaza Inn Hotel, Winona, MN 1025 Highway 61 East, Winona, MN, United States

The SCCA Land O' Lakes Region continues its Yucatan Safari weekend with the Grumpy Old Men National GTA RoadRally, a navigational scatter. Navigational Scatters were created to provide a rally challenge without the burden of staying on time. We track your progress using the MiRally transponders. Your course is converted[Read More...]

MD: Get the Dust-Off Rallye XXXVI

• DeJon Vineyard 5300 Hydes Rd, Hydes, MD, United States

The 36th Annual Get the Dust-Off Rallye will be held on Sunday, May 4th, 2025, sanctioned by the MG's of Baltimore and is dedicated to the memory of Richard W. Murphy. It will start and finish at Dejon Vineyards! This will be a GTA (Game, Tour, Adventure) style rallye of[Read More...]