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CA: Ron Dunlop Memorial Charity Cruise

• Dink's Deli and Bakery, Santa Clarita, CA 28170 Newhall Ranch Rd, Santa Clarita, CA, United States

The object of Ron Dunlop Memorial Charity Cruise is to enjoy driving sweeping, beautiful, challenging, paved back roads at legal speeds while raising money for one of our favorite charities. All net proceeds (over $20 per car) will be donated to the Loma Linda University Medical Center, the group that took[Read More...]

IL: Wine in Time Spring Tour Road Rally @ Flying J Travel Center

• Flying J Travel Center, South Beloit, IL 16049 Willowbrook Road, South Beloit, IL, United States

The SCCA Chicago Region will run another G.O.A.T.S. (Get Out and Tour Series) event on Saturday, May 18th, with the Wine in Time Tour Rally. Join us this spring for another drive through northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin on some of the most scenic backroads to enjoy.  This Chicago Region[Read More...]

ID: Sun Valley Tour de Force Huckleberry Drive

• Limelight Hotel, Ketchum, ID 151 Main Street South, Ketchum, Idaho, United States

SVTdF high-speed drivers, sponsors, and guests are welcomed to the 7th Annual Sun Valley Tour de Force at the Limelight Hotel patio in Ketchum. Everyone will enjoy a beautiful hosted breakfast spread while catching up with new and old friends. This serene venue is the perfect place to gear up[Read More...]