Join us on the Fall Colour Tour of the season. Travel on some of Wisconsin’s most beautiful country roads with rolling hills, spectacular bluffs, scenic rivers, and picturesque countryside. All roads will be paved and are guaranteed to be full of twists and turns.
Saturday morning, meet at the Family Fresh Market parking lot in Hudson, WI and arrive early to get a cup of coffee and a sweet roll at the Caribou Coffee Shop.
The driver’s meeting will be at 9:00 am sharp! Every car will receive easy-to-read detailed directions that are spouse friendly.
Our lunch destination will be The Monarch Public House in Fountain City, WI. Lunch choices: Ruben Sandwich or Chicken Breast Sandwich, Irish Stew or Potato Soup. Includes Kettle Chips or Potato Salad. All are made from scratch for only $8.95 per person! (Does not include tip or tax.) Pay your server that day, but please R.S.V.P. to Diane Rindt by October 7th with food choice and how many are attending – email or call 715-379-6001.
After lunch, socialize as long as you like. There is no organized drive to return home.