Nor’Wester Rally is a Time-Speed-Distance (TSD) perfect time, touring rally. Entrants are given route instructions containing specific, clear directions to follow, with speeds at or below the legal limit in all cases. Cars are assigned a specific time to start each section in the route instructions, at one-minute intervals.
NOTE: We, at RReNews, are awaiting details on Registration and starting location from the organizers. To field the event on our calendar, the address for starting is simply the Chamber for Kirkland. We will amend when information is provided!
Nor’Wester is a ‘closed checkpoint’ format, where the cars do not stop at checkpoints, but rather the checkpoints are sometimes hidden, with timing to a specific landmark. This kind of rally is ‘On Time, All the Time’. Penalty points are issued for passing a checkpoint early or late. Speeding is a sure way to lose the rally, as early points are just as bad as late points. The goal is to pass all checkpoints exactly at the correct second, netting zero points. The car with the least number of points wins.
This event is a pure course-following rally; there are no tricks or traps. Precision timing is the main criterion. Traveling remote areas with spectacular scenery is a bonus.