Find Another Opportunity, the first TSD RoadRally of the 2023 Rally Season for the Southern Indiana Region, takes place on Sunday, February 26th, by Rallymaster Bob Sonntag.
The route is all paved. Not all of it nicely paved; but, it is all paved…except the antique bridge that’s more planked than paved. The route runs from Hardee’s in Evansville through Vanderburgh, Warrick, and Spencer counties to get to Turoni’s Pizza in Newburg, Indiana.
If you’re new to TSD (Time/Speed/Distance) rallies, plan on being at Hardee’s by noon. That’ll allow time for a bit of tutoring to make your afternoon more enjoyable.
Check-in around 12:30 PM
Drivers meeting at 1:00 PM, and the first car off after the Driver’s Meeting.
The Find Another Opportunity will use the Richta GPS Competitor app so you will need it installed on a smart device (phone or tablet) before you get to the rally.
Entry Fees:
SCCA Member Driver: $37
SCCA Student Member Driver: $27
SCCA Member Navigator: Free
SCCA members should have an annual waiver or expect to be charged an additional $5.
Guest Driver: $57
Guest Student Driver: $47
Guest Navigator: Free for the first SCCA event.
Guest Navigator: $20 after the Free Trial membership is used.
It is expected that all participants are at least 18 years of age. Minors (ages 12-17) present insurance issues. Call Paul Dornburg, 270-314-9069 should you have a question about entering with a minor.
Here’s the link to more information and registration. Registration closes at 6:00 CST Saturday evening. You may also reach the Rallymaster at the contact info below.
If you can’t wait for some rally fun, email Harold Davis ( for the On-The-Road rally practice he and Karen put together. Use that practice to keep Find Another Opportunity from becoming ANYTHING like seeking a better job.