The Cat 22 Monopoly© RoadRally, sanctioned by the SCCA Steel Cities Region, may be run any of the five days at your leisure or on the afternoon of the 30th if you wish to see some of the other cars in competition. All answers must be submitted for those running leisurely by email before 11:00 am on the 30th.
Cat 22 Monopoly© Rally will run on approximately 50 miles of paved roads in Westmoreland County. Scenery is superb as you travel on many roads most of you will have never seen before. Each team (minimum of two people) will use their Route Instructions to follow the course and may drive at whatever legal speeds are comfortable for them. Three hours is allotted for completing the rally but it may take less time. You will observe signs and landmarks along the right hand side of the route to proceed around the Monopoly© game board and total up your money. Scores will be based upon the accuracy of your total at the end.
Registration: On Sunday, December 30th, registration opens at 12:30P, located inside Panera Bread on US 22 in Murrysville, PA. The rally will finish at the same location and Car#1 is anticipated back about 431P. Please thank the Panera Staff for their gracious hospitality in providing a gathering place.
Entry Fees: The entry fee will be $30 per car, with 50% of the funds going to the Autism Society of Pittsburgh. Additional contributions solely for distribution to the Autism Society of Pittsburgh will be appreciated.