Everyone feels great about giving during the holidays, but what happens when we get into the depths of winter after the New Year? It’s cold, it’s dark, but people are still hungry. The SCCA Philadelphia Region says let’s break out some cars and drive for a good cause. The 2019 Food Drive Road Rally is limited to 15 teams. We maxed out of the last rally so sign up early! We absolutely will not be able to exceed the limit of entrants.
This charity road rally will take you through some amazing back roads in Montgomery and Berks Counties to help you scratch that driving itch that builds up during the offseason. Your entry fee will be 10 donation-appropriate food items.
This year’s beneficiary will be the Bucks County Housing Group.
The Bucks County Housing Group is unable to accept: • Open packages • Homemade food items • Items with “expired” dates• Items in glass jars
Exceeding the 10 item registration minimum will benefit your score! Head over to https://www.motorsportreg.com/events/2019-food-drive-charity-road-rally-green-lane-park-scca-philadelphia-630198 and register today.
This will be a GTA-style rally using our usual general instructions
Registration will open at 9:45 AM, with drivers’ meeting at 10:45 a.m., and the first car will be off at approx. 11:00 AM.
We’ll be wrapping things up in the Collegeville area for lunch and awards. The first cars should get to the endpoint around 2:00 PM, give or take a half hour. We will offer novice and experienced classes as usual. If you’ve done more than 2 Philly SCCA region rallies in the last 3 years, you should consider the experienced class.
Please note that this rally will contain some unpaved surfaces. There should be no significant issues with ground clearance or road damage. You may want to leave your LaFerrari at home for this event, but those of you in lowered vehicles should be fine.