Happy Halloween and Welcome to Ghouls GambolFor over 50 years ghosts, goblins, spooks, spirits, the dead, the undead, and even the mostly dead have returned to haunt the Cascade Sports Car Club’s Halloween road rally. In years past rally teams have had to navigate through cemetaries to find hidden clues, reach into a screaming victim’s chest, or worse. There have been haunted locations – like the legendary barn on Pumpkin Ridge or the slaughter house. The slaughter house…they say if you listen on a cold, crisp October night you can still hear the screams.
This year the rally explores Washington County’s farmland and autumn colors. Roads are generally paved with less than 3 miles of unpaved roads. Speeds are reasonable, a rally is not a race. The rally includes a stop at Lakeview Farms*. Take the train through Halloween tunnels, see what lurks beneath the surface when riding the sternwheeler over the lake, explore the hay maze, pick up a pumpkin from the pumpkin patch, and visit the fall harvest gift shop. Lots to do and see at Lakeview Farms. But keep track of the time – you’re still on a road rally!
The rally will include both tricks and treats – standard CSCC rally rules apply. And yes, the event is suitable for beginners, er, victims.
Prizes for first through third in rally classes plus best costume(s) and best decorated vehicle.
Classes include: Unlimited, SOP and Nervous.
Cost: $25 per car ($20 for CSCC members)
* LakeView Farms activity costs not included
Submitted by Victoria Saager