The Annual Cascade Sports Car Club Road Rally School and Rally.
The Cascade Sports Car Club (CSCC) Road Rally School will be a Zoom Class on Friday evening, February 17th. The school will review the Generals for the February 18th Road Rally and allow teams to ask their rally questions; teams will be provided the link after Registration.
There is no onsite Registration, and all teams must register on MotorsportReg and sign the e-Waivers. All official communication for the CSCC rally is via email.
Entry fee is $20 per car for Cascade members and $30 per car for non-members. The entry fee includes the virtual rally school on February 17 and the practice road rally on 18th.
Register online by midnight Wednesday, Feb. 15:
Teams will be able to gather after the event at the ending restaurant, standings will be emailed in the afternoon, and there will be a Zoom session Saturday evening to talk about the rally with the Rallymasters.