Please join us for our annual Fall Fling Road Rally, hosted by the Finger Lakes Region SCCA. This Time / Speed / Distance (TSD) rally will serve as a great introduction to the sport, as well as provide veteran rallyists a chance to dust off their skills in advance of our Winter Series starting in December. This is a ±70-mile tour-style rally on mostly paved roads (some gravel) with amazing scenery!
For this event, we will be running two classes: Experienced and Novice, and one speed group: C-Speed (36 mph). We will be using the Richta GPS timing and scoring application, so please check for App installation instructions.
Entry fees are $25/car, plus $15 for each non-SCCA member in the car. All Registration will be conducted though until 1:00P on rally day.
Event Day Details:
Check-In / Tech Inspection: 12:00P – 1:00P
Competitor Meeting: 1:10P – 1:20P
First Car Off: 1:31P and returns at approximately 4P
Required Equipment: