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NY: Ithaca Winter Rally

January 23, 2021

Welcome to the 39th year of the Winter Rally Series, sanctioned by Finger Lakes Region SCCA. The 2021 series will consist of six Saturday night, straight-forward, driver’s style, time, speed & distance (TSD) rallies (using tulip diagrams). The first of the series were held in December 2020.

These General Instructions (GI’s) will apply to all of the events and will contain most of the information you will need to compete. Each event will include an addendum to provide information unique to that event. If there is a conflict, the addenda will take precedence.

  • A team is classified by the most experienced person in the vehicle.
  • EQUIPPED Any team using equipment where the time calculating device receives direct input from the mileage- measuring device (Zeron, Alpha, Speed Pilot,Timewise, Halda, Joe’s House O’ etc.).
  • LIMITED The distance measuring device and calculating device may not provide direct input to each other. Allowable equipment includes rally tables, Stevens wheel, Alpina, Curta, Autopacer, slide rule, hundredths reading odometer, and any calculator. “Unconnected” rally computers are NOT acceptable. Use of a smartphone or other device in any function other than the clock, or 4 function calculator, or GPS navigation will require running in Limited.
  • STOCK Any team using a stand-alone clock and a stock odometer in the stock location, plus any of these: tables, slide rule, single memory four-function electronic calculator. GPS units (or smartphones used as a navigational aid only) are allowed in Stock. All rally calculation apps are specifically not allowed in Stock.
  • NOVICE Any team in which EACH person has competed in fewer than six time-speed-distance road rallies. There are no equipment limitations. If you qualify as a Novice at your first event of this series, you may compete in the entire series as a Novice. If the driver or navigator is not a Novice the team is not.

LIMITING ENTRIES. Events are designed for a maximum of 35 cars. The rallymaster may further limit entries if, in his/her judgment, the number of competitors exceeds the good nature of residents along the route.

REGISTRATION AND TECH. Registration will be on motorsportreg.com.

NOVICE SCHOOL. Every event will have a novice school, which is designed to help newcomers successfully complete their first rallies. Basic information on how to read the route instructions as well as some of the key on route protocols will be covered.


135 Fairgrounds Memorial Pkwy
Ithaca, NY 14850 United States


• SCCA Finger Lakes Region
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