Time to head to Williamson to Do It Again! This time, the SCCA Finger Lakes Region will visit Orbakers Drive-in, see all the apple orchards, pass Orbakers Farm Stand, cruise by the lake, and return to the drive-in again. Join us for some fun. Feel free to bring your lowered Miata for this all-paved road rally!
The Do It Again is a regularity contest as follows: You follow the course, maintaining speeds below the posted speed limit. As you follow the route, you will be timed at unknown locations. All checkpoints will be closed (you do not stop at them). The course is approximately 30 miles and should take about 55
minutes to complete. Teams will repeat the course route at 3:00 + car #. Checkpoint signs will be out where the cars are timed again for the second time around the route. Your score will be how close to the minute and hundredths is to the time you passed on the first loop. After all, if you did it the first time, you should be able to “do it again.”
The entry fee is $20 per car for SCCA members and a $15 Weekend Membership is available for fellow enthusiasts.
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