For the past 32 years, SCCA Northern New Jersey Region has been hosting this annual event. Over $27,500 in toys have been donated to the United States Marine Corp Reserve toy drive since the 1st Teddy Bear Rally in 1990. SCCA-NNJR’s Toys for Tots Roadrally is the longest continually run charity event conducted by SCCA.
This year’s event will be 55 miles and be a two-and-a-half-hour novice-orientated rally. It will utilize written instructions and photo clues to determine the trophy winners.
This is not a timed event. Your ability to follow the course correctly and identify the scenes depicted in the photo clues determines your score.
No hard-to-see or tricky questions to answer.
The entry fee is a new stuffed animal or unwrapped toy of $35.00 or greater. While stuffed animals will be accepted in 2022, unwrapped toys are preferred.