This is a wonderful time of fun, food, and fellowship that will raise money for the local charity!
We begin with a motorcycle and car show at the Lawrence R Lund CFP offices, followed by a road trip to Lodge at Pere Marquette where lunch will be provided. The suggested donation is $20 and there will be matching funds provided by Money Concepts for all donations made the day of the event. R.S.V.P by a call to our offices at (636) 443-2272.
Stella’s Wish Foundation would be honored to grant a wish for you or someone you know who has been diagnosed with a life-threatening cancer. Cancer takes the life of 555,000 people (about 1 in every 489) every year in the USA.
Upon receiving her own wish, Stella’s heart was filled with a new wish: for there to be a foundation which granted wishes for adults with life-threatening cancers. In February 2008, Stella’s husband established Stella’s Wish Foundation in honor of “His Stella”.
Stella’s Wish Foundation is a non-profit foundation fully funded by sponsors, donors, and fundraisers. Thanks to our growing list of supporters and donors we are granting wishes across the U.S. Our website is