The SCCA Indianapolis Region is baaaaccck!
We’re Back!!!! The North Side of Indy Rally, is sanctioned by the SCCA Indianpolis Region, is a Game Tour Adventure (GTA) style RoadRally. It is run on public roads and requires at least two participants in the vehicle (driver and navigator). Participants are given tasks to accomplish at several locations and need to complete them by traveling the least miles. Tasks include taking pictures, finding objects, and answering questions based on information found along the route. Detailed information is in the General Instructions.
2:30-3:00 P.M Registration
Waivers and Weekend Membership forms will be in the registration packets)
3:15 P.M. Mandatory Safety Meeting (call in from your car)
3:30 P.M + Car Number Start of Rally
7:00 P.M + Car Number should arrive at endpoint (same as the start). Please join us for awards and food!
Items Needed:
Please register using one of the following classes.
GTA 2 – Driver and Navigator
GTA 3 – Driver and Navigator, plus one other participant in the vehicle
GTA 4 – Driver and Navigator, plus two other participants in the vehicle
If you have more than 4 participants in the vehicle, register for GTA 4, and we’ll gather information for the remaining individuals before the rally.
Awards will be given to Novice and Experienced in each of the above classes.