The SCCA Southern Indiana Region presents their next summer Road Rally on Sunday, June 23rd, and will incorporate “Straight as Possible” as the only Main Road Rule.
Rally #3, the Hill and Dale Road Rally will start at Penn Station Sub Shop in Evansville, IN, before heading out to explore some of the best paved roads in both Warrick and Spencer counties. It will incorporate federal highways, state highways, county roads, and streets in small towns as well!
It is just short of 100 miles long and will take roughly 3 hours to complete, with the included breaks. The Rally Masters are Harold and Karen Davis, and the rally will use the Competitor – Richta GPS Checkpoints app.
We hope to see you there! And remember, online registration through MotorsportReg only, no walk-ups. Registration has details on Minor Waivers for those under 18-years-of-age and preparing your team for the Richta scoring app.
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