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IN: Chili Weather Rally at the Hudson

February 7, 2015 @ 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM

$20 – $25

The Chili Weather Rally at the Hudson Social Road Rally, minimal TSD* requirements, i.e. one CAST*.
What is Road Rally? Check out the SCCA page for a description here!

When:  February 7th, Saturday. Registration and check-in starts at Noon.

Where:  Start at Concord Mall on South Side of Elkhart, IN.

Finish in Shipshewana, IN.  Anticipate snow on the County roads in February.

Who:  Open to ALL! SBR members and everyone else! Drivers must have valid drivers license and cars must be street legal with insurance.

On site registration will be at the Main Mall entrance at the Southeast side of the mall, in the food court.


12:00 PM-12:45 PM – Registration and check-in for pre-registered teams.
1:00 PM – First car out!

Cost:  $20 per car with SBR member(s) and $25 per car for non-members

Additional Information:

Rally Teams must have at least one (1) licensed driver and one (1) or more navigators.  Number of people in vehicle is limited by the number of seat belts in the vehicle.  (no motorcycles)

You MUST check in, even if you pre-register!

All cars will run in the same class and all equipment is allowed, including GPS units, computers, smart phones, etc.

Casual Chili dinner will be provided at the end of the rally.  Cost for the dinner is included in the registration fee.

Pre-registration is requested at MotorSportReg.com .  Pre-registration is not required but will help us plan the correct amount of food for the number of people participating.

*Minimal TSD:  Time Speed Distance (TSD) Rallies typically have numerous requirements that force the teams to measure their distance traveled (odometer) and measure the time they have traveled(clock) and then calculate the average speed.  This rally has the simplest calculations that can be used for this requirement.

*CAST:  means ‘Change Average Speed To’;  This is the speed the teams are supposed to average over a segment of the rally.  Many TSD rallies have multiply CAST and require considerable math to stay on time at the correct average speed.   This rally has only one average speed from start to finish and it is the simplest to calculate.  [2 minutes per mile]

Questions? You can email our Rally Event Chair, Duane Belise at mazdaman86@msn.com or call (574) 875-9868


• SCCA South Bend Region
(574) 875-9868
View Organizer Website


Concord Mall
3701 S Main St
Elkhart, IN 46517 United States
+ Google Map