The SCCA Buccaneer Region is excited to announce our next road rally and will post the details soon! The Kingsley Pumpkin Shack Rally will begin in Fernandina Beach and end in Jacksonville, FL. Mark your calendars today, and stay tuned!
Any car that meets all Georgia state laws and is insured to meet the state’s minimum requirements is allowed. A valid driver’s license and proof of insurance will be required at on-site registration. Each car is allowed as many people as there are seat belts in the vehicle, but each car must have at least 2 people: a Driver and a Navigator. There will be a starting location, five (5) unmanned checkpoints, followed by a sixth checkpoint at the finishing location. Team numbers will be assigned, but the starting order will be determined randomly.
Online registration for the Driver and Navigator is required and will be open on MotorsportReg when details are finalized. In the meantime, mark those calendars and “Save the Date.”
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