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DRRS Report – Southwest Division RoadRally 2021 Season Wrap-Up

2021 was a great year for Sports Car Club of America RoadRally in SoWDiv! After a 2020 season that COVID-19 severely curtailed, we came back with a roar, holding 11 sanctioned events, more than any time in at least the past 20 years!

Four out of our nine Regions put on rallies, with the breakdown as follows:

RegionRoad Rally EventsRallymaster
Texas Region• National Course Rally
• National Tour Rally
• National GTA Rally
• Regional Tour Rally
• Liz Witt
• Regional GTA Rally• Jerry White
• Regional GTA Rally
• Regional Trek
• John Poulos
Texas Region• Four Virtual Rally Schools via Zoom
Lone Star Region• Social Rallies (2)• Ken McElroy
West Texas Region• Social Rally• Autumn Daniel
Southwest Louisiana Region• Social Rally• Leon LeDoux
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158 entrants participated in these events, averaging over 14 per rally. All in all, a remarkable recovery and a solid foundation for even greater things that are planned for the coming year!

Thanks to all Rallymasters, organizers, workers, and others who made this possible – especially the rallyists who came out to enjoy our adventures!
John Poulos
SoWDiv DRRS, Texas Region RoadRally ARE/Chair

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