Building a Road Rally Program, SCCA National News

DRAFT: SCCA RoadRally Co-Hosting Guidelines

From the SCCA RoadRally Board — In order to encourage the development of new RoadRallies and the expansion of events into Regions that have limited resources and staffing, at the request of an SCCA member the RoadRally Board has developed guidelines for Co-Hosting events. Co-Hosting events are not new, several Regions have been conducting these events for decades, CalClub, NER, and NNJR come to mind. These guidelines are currently in draft but have not been finalized, they have been approved by the RRB and the RRB BOD Liaison.

We would now like to open it up for input from the rally community. Please take some time to review this document and provide feedback to Peter Schneider (NJRALLYE@GMAIL.COM) who will summarize it for discussion at the next RRB Meeting on April 9th.

SCCA RoadRally Co-Hosting Guidelines DRAFT – March 31, 2020

SCCA RoadRallies are typically organized by an SCCA Region and some of its members. Another option is for an SCCA Region to co-host a RoadRally in conjunction with another club or organization.

The following rules should be followed for co-hosted RoadRallies.

1. The SCCA Region’s RE should approve all co-hosting arrangements, including financial arrangements, prior to submission of the sanction application.

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2. The SCCA Region must submit the sanction application to the National Office. The other club/organization is named as an additional insured on the sanction application. The Region’s RE, or their approved agent, must still approve and sign the sanction application.

3. The RoadRally must conform to all pertinent SCCA rules and regulations, including the requirement for a licensed Safety Steward precheck. These are outlined in Appendix A – Rally Requirements by Type, in the SCCA RoadRally Rule Book (RRR). Charity, Social, Multi-day and Trek events must conform with minimum standards as outlined for Regional RoadRallies.

The following guidelines are suggested for co-hosted RoadRallies.

1. Financial arrangements such as revenue sharing, expense sharing, and profit/loss sharing should be discussed and decided on in advance of the event. It is entirely up to the individual Region as approved by the Region’s RE to decide how to handle the financial aspects of the event with the co-hosting club/organization.

2. Publicity for the RoadRally should indicate all co-hosting clubs/organizations’ involvement, and any event sponsors as appropriate.

One Comment

  1. That’s it?
    To my mind the issue that needs addressed is the SCCA membership requirement for road rally entrants. While membership in one form or another appears to be a forgone conclusion it seems to me that the insurance company is being allowed to impact regional events that offer extremely low exposure to claims. Presuming that every car entering a road rally is tagged and carries insurance to operate legally on a state or the nation’s roadways then the vehicle self-inspection and liability release forms signed at registration should be security enough to avoid the kinds of claims that might come from speed events.
    So where are the metrics that prove the club’s insurance carrier is being exposed to claim risks from a group of cars that do nothing more than legally operate on a prescribed route over public roadways?

    If this weekend membership initiative is not borne from an insurance company’s concerns then why is it being applied to road rally? As the chairman of a recent “no entry fee” event hosted by NEOkla Region I am convinced that you can attract significant subscription from other car clubs if the entry fee is not a show-stopper. Requiring a $10 weekend membership fee amounts to either a significant show stopper for many non-SCCA member teams or it adds an additional fiscal burden for the host Region if they choose to cover that expense themselves.

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