Building a Road Rally Program, Road Rally News

Convention Honors Programs and Members

RoadRally Awards Presented During the 2023 SCCA Convention —

David Teter Touring Rally of the Year
W. David Teter was the editor of the modernized and comprehensive RoadRally Rule Book, Rallymaster of 17 consecutive March Lamb Regional rallies, and an outstanding competitor on the National Tour rally circuit. This award is presented annually to recognize the outstanding National Tour Rally from the previous year. The selection is made by vote of the top 20 competitors in each class who have competed in at least three National Tour rallies that year.

The David Teter Touring Rally of the Year award goes to Great Canyon by the Arizona Border Region, with Karl Broberg as Rallymaster.

Arthur J. Gervais Course Rally of the Year
Arthur J. Gervais was a longtime Rallymaster of the Historic New York National RoadRally, with this award being presented annually in recognition of the previous year’s outstanding National Course Rally. The selection is made by vote of the top 20 competitors in each class who have competed in at least three National Course rallies that year.

This year’s Arthur J. Gervais Course Rally of the Year goes to Desert Sands by the Arizona Border Region, with John Sears and Karl Broberg as Rallymasters.

Robert V. Ridges Memorial Award
Robert V. Ridges was Secretary of the RoadRally Board (RRB) from the inception of the National program in 1957 until his passing in 1965. This award is presented to the SCCA member who exemplifies the highest degree of dedication and sportsmanship during the preceding year, making an outstanding contribution to the success of an event during its execution; who has made an outstanding contribution to the program as a whole; who has exhibited exceptional sportsmanship involving personal sacrifice; or who has undertaken physical risk for the preservation of life or property.

This award is not intended for sitting RRB members, official observers, Rallymasters, or officials unless they have clearly demonstrated extraordinary dedication, achievement, and/or sportsmanship above and beyond the duties and responsibilities of their office. Contestants shall only be eligible in cases involving exceptional sportsmanship, personal sacrifice, or risk. The recipient is selected by the RRB based on recommendations of any rally participant or Board member. An individual may only receive this award once. This is the highest honor within the SCCA RoadRally Program.

Peter Schneider from Northern New Jersey Region is presented with the Robert V. Ridges Memorial Award this year.

Best New Regional RoadRally Program Award
Presented in recognition of a Region’s development of a new RoadRally/Trek program as demonstrated by organizing events for two consecutive years, or two or more events in one year, and establishing an independent program by having a licensed RoadRally Safety Steward within the Region’s membership. The RRB selects the recipient based on recommendations from any SCCA or RRB member.

This year’s winner of the Best New Regional RoadRally Program Award is Allegheny Highlands Region, Bruce Gezon (Rally Chair).

Best New National Rally
Presented in recognition of the best new National RoadRally in each of three categories – Tour, Course, and GTA. A new National rally is defined as one that fits into one or more of these criteria: utilizing a new concept or technology; presented by a Region that never organized a National rally; presented by a Region that has not organized a National rally in the past 20 years; or presented by a committee of senior members who have never organized a National rally. The National Events Committee selects the recipients.

This year’s winner of the Best New National Rally is Thunder Road, hosted by Cal Club Region, Joseph Akerman (Rallymaster)

Divisional RoadRally Achievement Award
Initiated in 1992, this award is presented in recognition of a Division’s activities in RoadRally for a new or ongoing program. This may include events, promotions, attendance, innovation in public relations, etc. Nominations clearly indicating the qualifying details may be made by any rally participant, with the recipient being selected by the RRB.

The Divisional RoadRally Achievement Award for 2022 is presented to Midwest Division, Rich Bireta (Divisional RoadRally Steward).

Regional RoadRally Achievement Award
Presented in recognition of a Region’s activities in RoadRally for a new or ongoing program. This may include events, promotions, attendance, innovation in public relations, event participation, etc. Nominations clearly indicating the qualifying details may be made by any rally participant, with the recipient being selected by the RRB.

The Regional RoadRally Achievement Award for 2022 is presented to Philadelphia Region, Jeff Jacobs (Regional Executive).

Awards for our fellow SCCA programs of RallyCross and Solo may be viewed by clicking here.

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