ComeRoadRallyWith.US Calendar Has Arrived!

View as Photo! Just too busy for your liking? Change to the View as List calendar view! Better or a bit calmer?

Want more detail about events? If you liked the Photo calendar, click on the event square that interests you, and you’ll be taken to a full page on the event. Did you drop down to List? Then click Find Out More, and you’ll bring up that full page on the event. Only want details (for now) on a single event? Double-click on the event while in List. And I apologize for not mentioning the other view on the ComeRoadRallyWith.Us calendar, yet…it is too old-school — even for me, ha! Yet for those who like the Calendar view, you can hover over the event for more info before clicking.

Want to get these events seeded on your e-calendars? Just the Regional Course Time-Speed-Distance? The National Tour events your Road Rally of choice? Using the Show Filters or Find Events, you can select as many options as you want for your calendar based on the ComeRoadRallyWith.Us listings. Heck! You can even choose which event locales may interest you. Only want Arctic Alaska Region and Steel Cities Region events — you can do that! Only Regional GTA or National Course? You guessed correctly — you can do that! Some even enjoy exporting the listed items and importing them to their calendars.

Not all Road Rally events go as envisioned when the ‘ol Rallymaster is out at o’dark-thirty working on the route. The same goes for the ComeRoadRallyWith.Us Road Rally calendar for North America. This is a new adventure for me, yet I am not daunted by the challenge at all. Those from the early days of the Arctic Alaska Region recall my old line, “Tell me where you want to go, and I’ll take you there!”

RallyGoddess aka Cheryl Lynn

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Upcoming Road Rally Events

Calendar of Events

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