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CO: SCCA Rocky Mountain Division Takes on RoadRally Programs

We’ll see where it takes them—after all, it is a road rally! Yet, establishing interest for the Rocky Mountain Division’s Colorado Region and Continental Divide Region in delving into an SCCA RoadRally program is checked off the “Let’s Start a RoadRally Program” list. 

With Regional Executive Robert Melanson’s interest at last year’s SCCA Convention, Chris Robbins’ participation at the 2023 United States RoadRally Challenge, seeing the sport with new eyes, and experienced rallyist Steve Gaddy’s relocation to Colorado—the perfect storm has happened! 

Congratulations, and welcome to the sport of “car”maraderie and adventure that only road rallies can provide!

And Chris, thank you for taking this excellent capture of the new rallyists from across the Regions, Club Racers, and Time Trial members!

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