SCCA RRB Checkpoint Chat

Checkpoint Chat – Jan 2017, with RRB Chairman Bireta

Welcome to 2017 and best wishes for the New Year. I’ve got several pieces of news that I am genuinely excited to share with you.

Road Rally Program Grows 26% in 2016!

The participation in SCCA Road Rally Events in 2016 grew by 26%! This data comes from the audit forms that Event Organizers submit after the event. In 2016 we had a total of 1,842 cars entered in rally events compared to 1,458 in 2015.

We have data that goes back 10 years now. Since 2009 entry counts have been holding steady at around 1,500 cars per year. The entry count from 2016 breaks that trend in a positive direction.

This growth came from several sources.  Some SCCA Regions showed significant growth in their existing Road Rally programs. These Regions include:

  • New England Region
  • Finger Lakes Region
  • Milwaukee Region
  • Northern New Jersey Region
  • Philadelphia Region
  • Chicago Region
  • Glen Region

Some growth came from SCCA Regions that held Rally events in 2016 for the first time in recent history. These Regions include:

  • Allegheny Highlands Region
  • Continental Divide Region
  • San Francisco Region
  • Oregon Region
  • Des Moines Valley Region
  • Western Ohio Region
  • Oklahoma Region

Road Rallys were held in 33 of the 115 SCCA Regions last year, up 2 from 2015. There is a road rally program in 28% of the Regions

It was a good year for Road Rally in 2016.

Road Rally Landing Page at Improved for 2017

Over the past several weeks, significant changes have been made to improve the usability and content of the Road Rally landing page at

You should no longer have to go to the Download Page to find documents related to rallying. Everything from the Rulebook to Event Calendar is accessible from this single page. We also added links to current and past issues of the Road Rally eNews.

There is content there for existing programs as well as a repository of information for those thinking of starting a program. Check it out and let me know what you think.

I would like to thank those involved in getting this portion of the website enhanced. Thank you Jon Krolewicz of the SCCA staff and Jim Crittenden from the Milwaukee Region for your key roles in this project. I also need to acknowledge the support we received our Liaisons from the SCCA Board of Directors: Lee HillTerry Hanushek and Bob Dowie, and SCCA Staff Members Howard DuncanHeyward WagnerDeena Rowland and Jamie Mullin.

2016 Behind the Scenes Contributions to the Road Rally Community

It takes many volunteers working behind to scenes to keep the SCCA road rally program in operation. Their contributions are valuable yet invisible so I would like to take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate them.

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Jeanne English (Cal Club) completed her seventh year on the RoadRally Board at the end of 2015 and stayed on to serve as the Board’s Secretary. Jeanne produces clear minutes that serve as the institutional memory for the RRB and communicates to the broader rally community the decisions and opinions of the RRB. Jeanne ensures that the RRB minutes are completed in time for publication in FasTrack and the Road Rally eNews each month.
Bruce Gezon (Allegheny Highlands) served as Editor of the Road Rally Rulebook in 2016 and the 2017. RRRs are now available for download from the SCCA website. Bruce also keeps track of the Lifetime Points that are listed in Appendix C of the RRRs and handles the ordering and delivery of the SCCA Road Rally Championship Trophies each year. They are ordered and in the mail.
Cheryl Babbe (Arctic Alaska) has been the Publisher and Editor of Road Rally eNews since its inception. Each month we can look forward to news from the SCCA and non-SCCA rally communities. This newsletter would not exist and would not have been published for so long without her energy and persistence.
John Emmons (Land O Lakes) has served as the National Championship Poinstskeeper in 2016. Each month at the RRB meeting John has reported that the points are up-to-date and the current version in on the SCCA website. Issues and questions are resolved promptly and fairly.
Mike Thompson (Land ’O Lakes) served as Chair of the RRB’s National Events Committee responsible for the actions of the NEC. The NEC handles the administrative tasks for National and Divisional events ensuring that Liaisons are appointed for each National Road Rally and resolving issues promptly and fairly. The NEC also serves as the first level of review for rules changes and other Championship matters before they get to the full RRB.
Jay Nemeth-Johannes (Milwaukee) served as Chair of the RRB’s Regional Development Committee in 2016. Jay wrote and delivered several well-received presentations at the 2016 SCCA conventions, contributed multiple articles for new organizers of events to Road Rally eNews and continues to develop new intellectual property supporting the formation of new Regional Road Rally programs. Results in 2016: A 26% increase in Road Rally entries and six new SCCA Regions offering SCCA sanctioned road rallys.

Jim Crittenden (Milwaukee) served his first-year as a member of the RoadRally Board and eschews recognition for his contributions (and they are many). One example:  You’ll soon be able to order a hardcopy version of the RRRs from Amazon thanks to Jim’s efforts. There are many others.Terry Hanuscheck and Lee Hill have served as SCCA Board of Director Liaisons to the RoadRally Board. Many of their contributions are publicly visible but they have also acted behind the scenes to the benefit of the rally program. Sadly, Terry was not reelected last fall and Lee has been kicked upstairs and will serve as Chairman of the SCCA Board of Directors this year.

If and when you see Jeanne, Bruce, Cheryl, John, Mike, Jay, Jim, Terry and Lee please take a moment and express your appreciation for their contributions to our sport.
As always, I look forward to your comments on this or any other item of interest or concern regarding the SCCA road rally program. You may reach me at
Rich Bireta
SCCA RRB Chairman

Comments are closed.

Upcoming Road Rally Events

Calendar of Events

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