
Checkpoint Chat from the RRB – September 2013

Thoughts from RoadRally Board Chairman Rich Bireta – Rally Calendars 

You probably know the rally calendar for your local SCCA region, but how do you find out about events about nearby regions that you may want to attend? What if you, like me, would like to combine a family visit in Detroit with a road rally – what is the Detroit Region’s calendar for late summer and fall? Say you’re chasing the National Championship and want to see what potential SCCA National events may be held this year-where do you find a calendar for all potential events? Are there any non-SCCA events near me?

In order to respond to this variety of rally calendar questions we, the road rally community, have four different calendars currently in place. I’ll explain how events are placed on each of these calendars and where to find them in the remainder of this article.

First, events that have been granted an SCCA sanction can be found at at the Rally Events link on the left side of the page. The organizing committees for these events have submitted a sanction request form and the sanctions have been granted. You can be reasonably assured that these events will happen. We, the Road Rally Board, want to restrict this list of events to those that have received an SCCA sanction. Not all organizers, however, submit their sanction request months in advance. In order to get earlier visibility to all prospective events we have a second calendar:  the Road Rally Planning Calendar.

The Road Rally Planning Calendar, maintained by Jeanne English of Cal Club, is available via a link from The link is on the left side of the page and is called RoadRally Planning Calendar.  Formerly this calendar was hidden under Forms and Publications, now it is easier to find. This calendar contains sanctioned and tentative events and is designed to help rallyists find events they may be interested in entering. Events are placed on this calendar as soon as they enter the planning stage (i.e. Jeanne learns of them). This calendar is very helpful in finding all tentative and confirmed events in one document.

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Finally, the SCCARoadRally Yahoo! group has a calendaring facility which will email event reminder prior to each event that was calendared through this facility. Any group member can post their own events to this site.

It should go without saying that competitors are well advised to verify that an event will happen by contacting the organizers directly prior to committing to travel.

Rich Bireta
RoadRally Board Chair

From RReNews September 2013 Edition

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