Building a Road Rally Program, Road Rally News

Charting a Course for RoadRally Development in Your Region

Are you looking to start a RoadRally program in your Region? Do you already hold the occasional Trek or Social Rally and are considering dialing it up a notch with additional and/or more challenging events? Perhaps you already conduct a few GTA rallies each year, but are intrigued by the possibility of adding TSD events to the mix, enabled by new GPS-based timing and scoring apps?

Every Region is different, in terms of size, member interest, RoadRally experience, resources, and commitment, etc., all of which determines your starting point and potential progress on this journey. There are many rally styles and formats, as well as varying levels of competitive challenge, to draw from. All are aimed at providing a fun driving experience on scenic public roads, while testing your precision driving, puzzle-solving, navigation, and team communication skills.

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Charting a path for Rally growth, evolution and/or diversification can follow many directions and progressions.

Read more here on how you can test the waters with a Trek Rally, begin with a basic Social GTA or Social Tour rally on the SCCA Website.

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