Women’s History Month had its origins as a national celebration in 1981 when Congress passed Pub. L. 97-28, which authorized and requested the President to proclaim the week beginning March 7, 1982, as “Women’s History Week.” Since 1995, presidents have issued a series of annual proclamations designating the month of[Read More…]
RoadRally Standings
SCCA 2021 RoadRally Rulebooks “Hot off the Press” at Amazon.com
The 2021 SCCA® RoadRally Rules is the established set of RoadRally regulations created and refined by the Sports Car Club of America®. The RoadRally Rules cover each aspect of a SCCA® RoadRally event, from event safety and operational procedures to classing. Used by SCCA® event officials, workers, and competitors (drivers[Read More…]
RoadRally Awards – 2021 Convention
Regional Road Rally Achievement Award This award is presented in recognition of a Region’s activities in RoadRally for a new or ongoing program. This may include events, promotions, attendance, innovation in public relations, or event participation. The recipient of this award is selected by members of the RoadRally Board. The[Read More…]
SCCA Virtual Convention GPS App Session
This coming Monday evening, Rich Bireta will be presenting two sessions at the virtual SCCA Convention that describes how his GPS Checkpoint app system works. Whether you’re a Rallymaster who is curious about this system, a Rallymaster who has used it and would like to understand its full capabilities, or[Read More…]
National Staff Resources for SCCA RoadRally
An announcement was made on SCCA.com on January 20th about some staffing changes at the National Office, and in case you missed it, here’s a rundown. Heyward Wagner has moved out of the Marketing Department while keeping his role as Director of the Experiential Department, including Track Night in America,[Read More…]
SCCA RoadRally Safety Steward Recertification in 2021
As reported in recent issues of RReNews, over the past several years the RoadRally Board has been making slow but steady progress toward modernizing the RoadRally Safety Steward (RRSS) program. This included creating an RRSS Application Process, updating the GTA/Gimmick and TSD/Time-Speed-Distance Safety Manuals and Safety Steward Checklists, and creating SCCA’s[Read More…]
SCCA Checkpoint Chat from the RRB
RoadRally Back in the National Press Should you need confirmation that RoadRally is well on its way to being an important program within the SCCA again, the latest edition of SportsCar delivers that proof. In addition to the five-page article on the USRRC and Rick Beattie’s column, RoadRally is given affection by Randy Probst in his Probst[Read More…]
First Day of SCCA National Convention Ends With Highest Honors
The 2021 SCCA National Convention took the green flag on Saturday, and while the first-ever virtual format gives a different feel to the event, one constant remains the opening night’s SCCA Hall of Fame and Awards Ceremony. The five newest members of the SCCA Hall of Fame were joined by the[Read More…]
Hell and Back Rally Wins SCCA the W. David Teter Tour Rally of the Year Award
The Detroit Region SCCA is proud and pleased to announce that Scott Harvey Jr’s November 2020 Hell and Back Road Rally is the recipient of the 2020 W. David Teter Touring Rally of the Year. This prestigious National Award was announced during the SCCA Convention Road Rally Board Town Hall meeting on Saturday evening, January 23, by Mike[Read More…]
MI: 2021 Son of Sno*Drift XXIII Rally Report
Scott Harvey Jr.’s Son of Sno*Drift XXIII TSD Rally is intended as the Detroit Region’s only winter rally. In the weeks and days ahead of the rally, entrants were crossing their fingers and hoping for the snow that would make the rally worthy of its name. Alas, it just didn’t seem[Read More…]