
CA: Drive Toward a Cure — California Adventure

The third Drive Toward a Cure event is set to raise the bar as the non-profit charitable organization opens registration for its third multi-day luxury drive. After raising more than $50,000 for Parkinson’s Disease research and patient care during the 2017 calendar year, the program returns to California in the[Read More…]

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The American Adventure

The American Adventure

Never heard of The American Adventure? This ultimate adventure will take teams on a cross-country scavenger hunt combined with a car rally. Each day your destination is part of the challenge! Wake up to your first clue as your Team exits the parking lot on a day filled with adventure,[Read More…]

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USRRC makes The Drive

The SCCA United States Road Rally Challenge, run September 15-17th, on Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula is seeing some press from across the country. Here is the piece from Car #12 Driver Lawrence Ulrich… Wildlife on a car launch typically revolves around hotel watering holes and the hunt for elusive executives. Oh, and[Read More…]

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WI: March Muddy Waters Road Rally

The Twin Cities Rally Club, LLC’s  March Muddy Waters is a map based pre-plot road rally. What that means is we give you instructions and you plot them on the provided map. You will be plotting the shortest course consistent with the clues. You then follow the map to each checkpoint. The course uses all[Read More…]

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RRR and RFO Updates from SCCA RoadRally Board

Both Items Approved by RRB, May 6, 2014 Submitted by Chuck Hanson, RRB Remember, these numbers do not include the “everything but free levitra samples intercourse” in them. order cheap levitra J Ethnopharmacol 2010;130:299-306.Amagase H, Nance DM. Webbing Slings – These are polyester made slings which offer a high flexibility,[Read More…]

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Badger Burrow National Tour Rally

Badger Burrow National Tour Rally by Jay Nemeth-Johannes After a long, hard winter, we were definitely ready for spring. The problem was, spring was refusing to emerge. Rally events got postponed, and then run as winter events. We were getting nervous as May 3rd approached because we had no backup plan. This[Read More…]

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USRRC Joins Coker Tire Challenge in 2014

This month, as promised, we are bringing you news of the 2014 USRRC Coker Tire Challeng e. We know that the United States Road Rally Challenge will be run in conjunction with the Coker Tire Challenge, September 18-21st, and that it will be based out of Chattanooga, TN. For more answers, Bruce Gezon and Jeanne[Read More…]

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Upcoming Road Rally Events

Calendar of Events

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