We talked briefly as Team Wiseley was making their way north from their “rally” home of the SCCA Texas Region, rounding Indianapolis and making their way to Michigan. Driver Ethan Wiseley and Navigator Misty Wiseley are regular attendees at their local Region rallies and partake in autocross. They’ve rallied with[Read More…]
My First Road Rally
Columns from Road Rally eNews from fellow rallyists – their first Road Rally as a Driver, Navigator, Rallymaster, or Worker!
SCCA to Honor Members during Women’s History Month in March 2023
SCCA Women on Track (WoT), a part of the SCCA Foundation, honored a woman in our SCCA ranks from across our RoadRally, Solo, RallyCross, Racing-Club and Pro, and Track events – be they Navigators, Drivers, Administrators, Competitors, Crew or Enthusiasts each day of March 2022! The SCCA WoT is preparing[Read More…]
TX: West Texas Region Enjoys “Taste of Victory” Rally
On Sunday, September 18th, we here in West Texas Region SCCA ran our third Road Rally event and 1st TSD (Time Speed Distance) Rally — the Taste of Victory Rally. We have been trying to implement this for a very long time and were, fortunately, able to finally get our feet wet in[Read More…]
MI Rallyist Looks Back on Press on Regardless 2011, and Its Effect on his Road Rally Career
The article below originally appeared in the Winter 2012 edition of the Detroit Region SCCA newsletter Open Exhaust. At the time, I had had a decent, if not overwhelmingly spectacular, rally Navigator career at the Great Lakes Division levels. I had been fortunate enough to have won POR once before[Read More…]
Nothing New Under the Sun – Richta GPS Competitor App
A rally group out of the Chicago area gave me the idea about six years ago. Put your rally together, sell the “entry” as a donation to your cause, and they can run it whenever their schedule allows. Their events were to view holiday lights, and timing was not a[Read More…]
NJ: SCCA NNJ Second Hand Roads
And now here I was, spending hours planning a route that competitors would pass by in the blink of an eye!
SCCA Inaugural Women’s History Month Honors our Fellow Members Every Day in March
SCCA Women on Track (WoT), a part of the SCCA Foundation, honored a woman in our SCCA ranks from across our RoadRally, Solo, RallyCross, Racing-Club and Pro, and Track events – be they Navigators, Drivers, Administrators, Competitors, Crew or Enthusiasts! Amongst the women who represented SCCA RoadRally we had Jeanne[Read More…]
Back to Road Rally
It had been 30 years since I last participated in an SCCA Road Rally, but when I learned that a National tribute rally written by John Sears was taking place in my home region, I knew I had to be involved. After signing up on the MotorsportReg site, the excitement from years ago[Read More…]
“Tips for MiRally” User Guides from Starr
Finding good resources for those new to the sport is good. Having them as a refresher for those who have rallied before is helpful too! Yet having an author who updates it as technology and equipment enhancements come along is very much appreciated. Gary Starr has maintained his Tips for TSD[Read More…]
SCCA Women on Track Initiative “RoadRally 2022” Announced at SCCA Convention
SCCA Women on Track (WoT), a part of the SCCA Foundation, announced their latest Women on Track Initiative to expand participation of women in all facets of SCCA programs as participants, volunteers, leaders, or supporters, during the SCCA National Convention. With the full support of the SCCA RoadRally Board, the SCCA WoT[Read More…]